Our Sunday School Teachers

Pastor Kehoe has been teaching the Bible for over 40 years in churches, Bible studies, and classroom settings.  He was saved in 1978 and started preparation for the Pastoral Ministry in 1980.  The Pastor has 5 earned college degrees up to the doctorate level.  He is a fervent student of the Bible and Theology, and believes in making the teachings of the Bible understandable on a practical level to be meaningful in our daily lives.  Pastor Kehoe strives to teach the Bible to help Christians become good stewards of the truth, and be trained to accomplish wonderful things in their service for the Lord.  The Adult Class consists of younger adults to seniors, and the variety of ages makes the class very special. 

Brenda has been part of Union Bible Church for over 20 years.  She was saved in 1996, and has been active in many aspects of the teaching ministry in the Church during Vacation Bible School, and assisting other Sunday School teachers when needed.  Brenda is part of the first graduation class of Union Bible Institute of Theology, where she earned a Bachelor of Theology degree in June 2016.  Brenda is a mother of 2 adult children, a grandmother of 4, and has been married for over 42 years.  Her desire is to help teens trust Christ as Savior, develop a powerful love for the Bible, and become strong Christians dedicated to telling others about Jesus Christ.  She brings a deep understanding and grasp of Bible doctrine to help teens find answers to their many varied questions concerning life. 

Dr. John Kehoe, Adult Bible Class 

Mrs. Brenda Munnik, Teen Class

Esther is one of our newest Sunday School Teachers.  Taking over for a woman who taught this class for many years, Esther has enjoyed the honor of teaching children in this age group.  With an earned Bachelors degree in Elementary Education from Pensacola Christian College, and a degree from our own Bible Institute, Esther is well suited to present Bible lessons and insight to this class.  She has been a member of our Church family for many years, as she has literally grown up in our Church.  She has been saved for over 25 years and comes from a wonderful Christian family.  Esther has a vast amount of experience with all aspects of our Children's Ministries.  The kids love having her as a Teacher.

Miss Esther Thompson, Middler Class

Natalie has taken over the class for our youngest students in 2023.  Though she may be the newest of our Sunday School Teachers, Natalie has been involved in the teaching ministry of our Church for many years as one of our Vacation Bible School Teachers.  She comes to the class with much experience as a Mom of 3 children, a Homeschool Teacher, and a great role model for the children at Church.   Natalie is full of energy, and has a strong desire to serve the Lord with all her abilities and talents. She is a fantastic "first" Sunday School Teacher for the young kids!

Our Bible Wisdom Club Teacher

Rose took over the leadership of our Bible Wisdom Club in 2023.  She has been faithfully attending our Church for a number of years, and is presently enrolled in our Bible Institute.  She is an outstanding student, and wonderful teacher and mentor.  Rose is well suited and trained to lead our mid-week Bible Club.  She has been actively involved with our Vacation Bible School ministry, and has a fun spirit that the kids love.

Mrs. Rose Cheeseman, BWC Teacher

Mrs. Natalie Magash, Beginner Class 

Union Bible Church © 2024   |   102 South Main Street, Route 2   |   Alburgh, Vermont 05440   |   (802) 796-3055

Our Bible Institute Instructors

  Dr. John C. Kehoe, B.S., B.Div, M.A., DMin, PhD

    Michael Thompson, ThB

     Ellen Kehoe, RN, B.A.

Paolo Ruscito, DEC, ThB, M.Div

Our Children's Church Leaders

Jessica and Greg Jones

Hannah and Michael Thompson

Our Children's Church Ministry started in April of 2024.  It is an exciting Ministry for kids who are of the ages 5 through 12 years old.  It is held during the normal preaching time of our regular Sunday Morning service.  

Its purpose is to provide an atmosphere of worship, learning of the Bible, singing, and fellowship that is geared for the age level of the children.

The children will experience a service and message that will help them grow and mature into strong and faithful young people and followers of the Lord, in a joyful fun setting.

Our Children's Church leaders consist of a well trained and experienced married couple (Greg and Jessica Jones), and a brother and sister team (Michael and Hannah Thompson).  Each of our leaders is dedicated and committed to giving the kids a great and fun experience in worshipping the Lord Jesus Christ.  Their number one objective is to help the kids enjoy a loving relationship with Jesus Christ.