Our Church Staff

Mrs. Natalie Magash, Pianist

Natalie grew up in our church, and has been a pianist in the church for a number of years now.  She is always a blessing to the people, as she fills each service with her beautiful and classic style of piano playing.  She has wonderful talent and a deep desire to serve the Lord and live right for Him.  She comes from an outstanding family in the church, who operate a family dairy farm in Quebec. Her love for Jesus Christ and God's people is obvious in her smiles and joyful attitude. Natalie has a very supportive and fine Christian husband, and they have three young children.  

Bro. Matthias Kaiser, Deacon

Matthias has been the church’s faithful Deacon for over 31 years.  Raised in a Christian home in Switzerland, he has a keen understanding and heartfelt compassion for families striving to live for the Lord.  Matthias truly is a living example of being a servant for Jesus Christ and His Church.  Dedicated to carrying out the role and responsibilities of Deacon, he faithfully assists the Pastor in any area he can help.  Matthias is always greeting visitors at church with his friendly way, and makes time to be a comfort to people that are housebound and in hospitals.   An outstanding dairy farmer by trade and a man of deep conviction and thought spiritually, Matthias is a strong believer of God’s Word.

Union Bible Church © 2024   |   102 South Main Street, Route 2   |   Alburgh, Vermont 05440   |   (802) 796-3055

Miss Hannah Thompson, Assistant Pianist

Hannah has been attending our church since she was born.  Coming from a wonderful Christian family, Hannah has a rich spiritual background and deep love for Jesus.  Blessed with special musical talents, she willingly has helped out in our church and filled in when Natalie is not able.  Hannah is still a young teen, and yet has a powerful and  mature testimony for Jesus Christ.