100th Year Anniversary Celebration!

Article Printed in Lake Champlain Islander on June 7, 2011



The Union Bible Church of Alburgh, Vermont celebrated a very special anniversary on Sunday May 29.  That day was chosen to have a service honoring 100 years of existence as a local church in the same building on Main Street.  The church service had over 150 people in attendance, as members and guests heard great singing and three wonderful testimonies by Gwyneth (Bourgeois) Brown, Bob Hilliker, and Rick LeBlanc.  Each spoke of their own experiences of enjoying Christ in their lives.  They also expressed with meaningful words the importance of the Union Bible Church fellowship.  The celebration service had many great special songs, and Pastor Kehoe gave a summary of the vast history of the Church.  

Many past members and friends of the Church came and received a great blessing during the celebration.  Special recognition was given to Jennie Hilliker for having the distinction of being the longest active member of the Church who still actively attends, while Ernest and Bernice Hutchins were recognized for being the longest married couple, who were married in the Church, and still actively attending.

Dr. Kehoe spoke during the service of the significance of the early members of the Church and their dedication to build a church in the Village of Alburgh that would be a positive influence to lives throughout our area.  He brought forth much of the rich history of the church in its beginnings and honored many of the family names that were motivated to serve the Lord and establish a Godly church that followed the Bible.  He read down the list of the official charter members, and then pointed out to the folks in attendance that the Great Granddaughter of one of the charter members was present at the celebration service.  It was a very special moment that spoke to the long faithful testimony of the Church.

After the service, all the members and guests were treated to a beautiful luncheon prepared by the ladies of the Church, and a professional grill master.   Kids and adults all had much to eat with a terrific variety of dishes to satisfy every palette.  In being prepared for any type of weather, the men of the church erected the church tent a few days before the event, but God made sure the day would be blessed and stopped all the rain for the entire day.

May 29 marked the end of the chapter of 100 years of history at the “Little White Church” on Main Street.  Pastor Kehoe pointed out in his sermon that the Church is now making new history in its new chapter.  The book is not done, and the Lord has much more to accomplish through this vibrant ministry at the top of Lake Champlain.

Dr. Kehoe has now been the Pastor of Union Bible Church since June of 1987.  He says that the past 24 years have gone by so fast, and so many things have happened during that time. The Church not only grew in numbers since he, his wife Ellen, and their 3 children came to Alburgh, but it grew in strength and influence for the Lord Jesus Christ.  During those early years of Pastor Kehoe’s ministry, the Church added the word “Bible” to its name in order for people to recognize the authority and foundation of the Church.  It is not a Church run by hierarchy or denominational administrators, but a Church that follows the Bible, and lets Jesus Christ be the Head of the Church.  He believes that the best part of his time with the Church has been to see people grow spiritually and to mature as outstanding representatives for the Lord.  Admitting that the church folks are only “sinners saved by grace,” Kehoe says that even with our imperfections, we have seen God use our lives to touch many other lives and be a huge help to people facing difficult times and circumstances.

The Union Bible Church realizes it cannot rest on past accomplishments and blessings, but must always look ahead to its new challenges and role to help the area.  Armed with a Biblical vision from the Lord in his heart, Pastor Kehoe says that the future of the Church is happening right now.  Following God’s direction, the Church is currently moving into the new chapters of its history in the making.  He says how the Church wants to continue to provide ministry and help to the people of the area, especially as more and more people move into the area.  He is excited to see the vision of the future and how God has developed the Church in the past 100 years to face these next years our nation and communities are venturing into.

The Union Bible Church wishes for people throughout this area to come and check out what God is doing through its ministry. Made up of a great variety of people of all ages and backgrounds, the Union Bible Church has grown into a true church family of believers.  It is not just a place to attend to worship; the Church is a group of believers that belong to a family of Christians.  Consisting of folks from Vermont, New York, and Quebec, the Union Bible Church is very much a diverse group brought together by a common salvation in Christ, and a sincere love for the Bible.  They continue to welcome all people from the area to become a part of this special family of Christian believers that emphasize the love to learn and follow the Book, the Holy Bible.

Pastor Kehoe wishes to thank all the people who prayed for and helped to make the Anniversary Service a complete success.