Our Church Offers 

•  A warm welcome at every service

•  Handicap and Guest Parking in front of the Church on Main Street

•  A friendly and joyful atmosphere of Christian celebration

•  A loving Church family ready to help you in every possible way

•  A Nursery downstairs staffed by caring and experienced adults for children from birth to 4 years old

•  A group of Christians that take prayer seriously

•  An evangelistic atmosphere with a Bible teaching ministry, where people encounter the living Word

•  A fully departmentalized Sunday School with the BIBLE as our textbook

•  Children, Teen and Adult activities throughout the year

•  A vibrant Ladies Fellowship that meets monthly for fun and spiritual growth

•  An opportunity to develop your capabilities for the service of our Lord


     The future of North America, if Jesus Christ should tarry, is in the hands of our young people.  If we are to continue to enjoy our democracy, these young citizens must have Jesus in their hearts and lives.  We offer for the High School student down through the  preschooler:  Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Wednesday Bible Wisdom Club, a Sunday Children's Church, Monthly Game Days, Junior and Senior High Youth Group, and many other programs and activities.

Union Bible Church © 2024   |   102 South Main Street, Route 2   |   Alburgh, Vermont 05440   |   (802) 796-3055